
Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Need to test your knowledge on Canadian landforms?  

Click here for a fun game!

Parents check out how this game meets the curriculum expectations:
By the end of Grade 6, students will: use special-purpose maps (e.g., contour maps, climatic maps, physical-features maps) to find specific geographic information;

My Philosophy of Tech‐enhanced Teaching

Check out my latest video about Tech-Enhanced Teaching!

Wednesday, 1 October 2014

Learn and Play!

Students, please check out Proof It! for a fun way to practice your proofreading skills!

Note For Parents: students in Grade 5 must be able to proofread their work; this game will help with practicing that skill. Please refer to the curriculum expectation:
L.A. 6.2 Using Knowledge of Form and Style in Writing) draft and revise their writing, using a variety of informational, literary, and graphic forms and stylistic elements appropriate for the purpose and audience; 

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Three Websites I Use Daily

Check it out!

Some interesting websites:

To share ideas online and search news people are talking about from around the world I use Twitter

A great way to keep track of what you're listening to and find suggestions for related artists according to your music taste take a look at

Excellent for listening to new music and avoiding the stream of ads on YouTube: SoundCloud

Useful Website

BibMe: Simple way for citing your resources

Please check out BibMe to create MLA, APA and Chicogo style citations to reference your sources for your bibliography. 


Hello students! Welcome to my blog.  On here you will find lots of information for my class, as well as many resources you may find interesting or useful.  Keep checking this blog for more updated posts!